A few years back I made the Konix RCP1 (Retro Computing Platform V1), which is a joystick with a Raspberry Pi inside. For this year, I made something a little different, a new console that is portable (battery powered) or can run off A/C. Behold, the Konix RCP-2000!
This time around I went with beige and wood trim. I also went with wireless SNES controllers for the default/when I am out a friend’s and families’ homes. You can see on the front, it has 4 USB ports, on the rear, HDMI with optical and RCA audio out. When the RCP-2000 is plugged in, it automatically charges the very large internal Lithium Polymer battery. It was a pack that was meant to jump start a car, so it should last a LONG time in regular play. I also used a Raspberry Pi 3 A+ which only has 1 USB port, instead of 4, and no ethernet port, but I didn’t need either and it tiny as well. I was happy with the wireless controllers, but I wanted something fun for home use, so I went with arcade controllers using the identical enclosure and wood grain I had left.
The arcade controller look and feel great and my son and I played for a couple of hours pretty darn comfortably. I like American style teardrop joysticks with Japanese style curved button layouts. The Coin and 1 or 2 player button are just what you need to hours of arcade fun.