Updates and upcoming products

Thank you everyone for the steady pace of orders. Sometimes I wish I had more time. My wife is still recovering from breast cancer, so I always put her first. She has “no evidence of disease” but we have to be vigilant.

When time allows, I would like to get my “Intellevision II True 16” prototype built and tested. Thanks Mitchell for the name suggestion, you will get the first production controller. It will be a 16 way controller, arcade stye, overlay compatible, and not require any external power, and it will have wood grain.

In the wings, I also have a 5200 digital only controller ready to go, along with a 7800 arcade controller, but I am waiting to complete my current backlog. Stayed tuned, as I get better at building, expect more great controllers.

Happy Gaming,

David Nelson

Cyerphreak Enterprises LLC.