5200 Update

I found some errors with my existing Atari 5200 page.

I updated the page and schematic, well, I completely redrew the schematic in KiCad.

If you ever need a great, open source and free electronics schematic and PCB layout program, KiCad is the best I have ever used and it is cross platform, which is important to me.  I am a Linux user at home, so I really need something that works on my Ubuntu machine.


Please send me new orders :-)

You know what, working on projects helps me more than not working on them.  Please send me whatever ideas that pop to mind.  Do you have an ancient console that no one else will touch?  I am here to help.  Do you want a custom Raspberry Pi system built into a cigar box?  Let me know.  Would you like a custom controller for ANY system EVER made?  Give me a buzz at retro at cyberphreak.com or post/message me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RetroCyberphreak/

Or, if Facebook is not your thing, you can tweet at me @Cyberphreak_Com https://twitter.com/Cyberphreak_Com

Or request a quote.  I truly do enjoy working on old hardware and creating new.



I will not be taking any more orders at this time.  Any order already received will be completed in a timely manner.

I just wanted to let you know, I hope this is not permanent.  I am working through some personal issues, and I wanted to thank all of my loyal patrons that enjoy my work.

I don’t foresee this delaying any projects that I have on hand, but I need a little break before taking on any new orders.  Thank you for your understanding and patience.

-David Nelson

April 30, 2018

Site Updates and New Projects Coming

I was able to return to my previous theme, “Mantra” after reading the freaking manual.  I have been working on repairing a Coleco Adam:  I replaced all the capacitors and added internal power supplies, so no more silly printer.  More details on that one later, along with another Jaguar to Colecovision controller conversion.

I am also working repairing an Emerson Arcadia 2000 for Classic Game Room, its got issues man.  That should be a fun write up.

I added one new product to the lineup of services, The famous McWill LCD mod for the Atari Lynx.  Not cheap, but amazing when it is done.

So, keep tuned, hopefully I will put up some new video content soon.